Category: Uncategorized

Crowdfunding: The Pros and Cons

Crowdfunding is a newer way of funding projects and businesses. It has become very popular in recent years, as it allows people to raise money from a large number of individuals instead of relying on a few investors. There are pros and cons to using crowdfunding, and we will discuss …

How Much Does Crowdfunding Cost?

Crowdfunding is a great way to raise money for your business, but it can be expensive. There are many different platforms that you can use, and each one has its own set of fees. In this blog post, we will discuss the costs associated with crowdfunding and how to reduce …

Quantitative Analysis in Hedge Funds

In the world of finance, there has been a recent shift towards quantitative analysis. This is especially true in the world of hedge funds, where managers are increasingly turning to algorithms and models to make investment decisions. Why has this shift occurred? And what does it mean for the future …

Cash Credit: Meaning, Definition, Accounting, vs Overdraft

Companies finance their operations through different sources. A company must first identify its needs for financing. Once it does so, it must choose the best finance source to fund its operations. One of the most crucial factors among these includes the duration. Usually, equity finance is long-term, while debt finance …

Alternative Data for Retail Investors and Hedge Funds

If you’re like most people, you probably think of alternative data as something that is only used by large financial institutions and hedge funds. However, alternative data can be used by retail investors to improve their investment strategies and achieve better returns. In this blog post, we will discuss what …

Escrowed Share: Meaning, Accounting, How Escrow Accounts Work

In the world of finance, an escrowed share is a type of security that is held in an escrow account. This means that the shares are not immediately available for trading, but are instead held in a neutral third-party account. The purpose of this arrangement is to protect the investors …