Accounting for a Capital Lease

Accounting for leases is a complicated topic. With recent changes, the IFRS has clarified how companies can distinguish a capital lease. This standard also guides on what the accounting treatment is. What is a Capital Lease? A capital lease, often referred to as a finance lease, is a lease agreement …

Proprietary Fund: Definition, Meaning, Examples, Types, Importance

Governments need funds to finance activities. These funds may come from various sources. One of these is operations run by a government to generate income. In accounting, they fall under proprietary funds. What is the Proprietary Fund? A proprietary fund is a specialized accounting category employed in government accounting to …

Managerial Accounting: What It Is, Definition, Examples, Techniques and Insights

Managerial accounting, often referred to as cost, corporate, or management accounting, is a crucial discipline that empowers businesses to make informed decisions, streamline operations, and achieve financial objectives. Unlike financial accounting, which focuses on external reporting, managerial accounting is internally oriented, providing valuable insights to aid in managerial decision-making. This …

Accounting for a Patent: How to, Journal Entry, Example

Intangible assets are non-physical assets with no tangible form that hold value for a company. Like other assets, these can be economic inflows to a company. One item that falls under this category is patents. What is a Patent? A patent is a legal right granted by a government to …

Deferred Tax Asset Valuation Allowance

Deferred tax, in accounting, represents the temporary difference between a company’s taxable income and its accounting income. Sometimes, companies might need to recognize a valuation allowance for deferred tax assets. Before discussing it, it is crucial to understand what deferred asset means. What is a Deferred Tax Asset? A deferred …

EBITA (Earnings Before Interest, Taxes, and Amortization): Definition, Example, Calculation, Meaning, Formula

When it comes to finance, it’s important to get familiar with different metrics and terms. One such term is EBITA – a popular financial indicator used by investors, analysts, and businesses alike. It provides a snapshot of a company’s operational performance, excluding certain financial and tax considerations. A thorough understanding …

Inventory Shrinkage: Definition, Types, Meaning, Journal Entry, Example, Formula

Companies bear various risks associated with inventory. One of these includes the difference between the book and the actual value of stock. This occurrence falls under inventory shrinkage. What is Inventory Shrinkage? Inventory shrinkage, often termed “shrink,” encompasses the unaccounted loss or reduction in a company’s inventory levels. This loss …

Selling, General & Administrative (SG&A) Expenses

Understanding financial terms is crucial in the business world. One such term, Selling, General & Administrative (SG&A) Expense, is often encountered in financial reports. This term may sound complex but it’s an integral part of a company’s operations. It encompasses a wide range of costs, all of which play a …

Quality Costs: Definition, Formula, Categories, Calculation, Importance

Quality, for companies, means consistently delivering products or services that meet or exceed customer expectations and conform to established standards. It’s important because high quality enhances customer satisfaction, builds brand reputation, fosters loyalty, and often translates into a competitive edge. Companies must track quality costs to ensure these features. What …