Author: John

Syndicated Loans vs Bonds

When it comes to raising finance, companies have several options. These may include equity or debt finance. Similarly, within each of these categories, companies have various possibilities. Which one of these sources companies use depends on their preferences and capital structures. Likewise, companies may decide on the source depending on …

How Pension Fund Works

What are Pension Funds? Pension funds represent investment pools that pay for employees’ retirements. These pension funds come directly under pension plans. Pension plans and funds are most common in companies and governments. These entities may pay for their workers’ retirement funds and collect these funds under a pension plan. …

Municipal Bond vs Corporate Bond

Investors prefer bond investments because they offer a steady source of income. Similarly, they are not subject to the same risks that come with stock investments. However, bonds come in different forms. Therefore, investors may find it tricky to choose the right option for them. They also come from several …

Inflation-Linked Bond

Inflation is a concept used in economics and finance. It refers to the decline in the purchasing power of a currency over a specific period. Usually, inflation can have positive and negative effects in several fields. For investors that have a fixed income source, such as bonds, inflation can be …

Step-Up Coupon Bond

Bonds are fixed-rate debt instruments. It means that those who invest in bonds get a fixed interest payment over the bond’s lifetime. However, there are some variations of bonds that come with variable or increasing coupon rates. A step-up coupon bond is one of them. What is a Step-Up Coupon …

Amortizing Bond

Bonds are debt instruments issued by corporations or governments. The primary purpose of issuing bonds for these entities is to collect finance for their operations. Mostly, the investor gets periodic interest payments for their investment. The repayment of the principal amount depends on the type of bond. Usually, bond issuers …

Accounting for Interest Rate Swaps

What is an Interest Rate Swap? Interest rate swaps are an example of financial derivative contracts. With interest rate swaps, entities can exchange one source of interest payments with another. There is also another party that agrees to swap the stream with the entity. The interest rate swap occurs based …

What’s a Letter of Credit?

What is a Letter of Credit? A letter of credit is a letter from a bank that guarantees payments. The bank assumes the responsibility for the payment on behalf of a buyer, also the bank’s customer. It makes the guarantee to a seller or the seller’s bank. Usually, letters of …

What Is a Secured Bond?

Bonds are debt instruments issued by governments or corporations. These represent an issuer’s promise to make scheduled interest and principal payments to the buyer. In essence, bonds are a way for entities to obtain loans from investors. Usually, they are unsecured debt instruments. However, sometimes, entities may also issue secured …

What Is a Bond Indenture?

What is an Indenture? An indenture is a legal and binding agreement or document between multiple parties. These come with indented sides. These contracts bind one party to work for another for a set period of time. These were the historical uses of the word indenture. However, they have also …