Author: John

Equity Long Short Hedge Funds

The investment objective for each investor may differ. However, most investors have one common goal, to increase their wealth. For that, they employ investment strategies that meet their requirements. There are many of these strategies that provide investors with different options. One of these includes the equity long-short investment strategy. …

Risk-Based Approach to Audit

Auditors must consider the audit risks associated with audits. It is crucial that they reduce these risks to an acceptable or reasonable level. However, most traditional audit approaches overlook audit risks. While these approaches still cover most risks, they are not suitable for risky audits. For these audits, auditors need …

What is System Based Audit

When auditors commence an audit engagement, they must decide on what audit approach to use. The audit approach is a strategy auditors use to perform audits. This approach differs based on several factors and will vary for each audit engagement. There are several audit approaches that auditors may employ. One …

Global Macro Hedge Funds

A country’s economy plays a significant role in the prices of items within it. The economic factors in a nation also dictate the investments market. Most security prices fluctuate with fluctuations in a country’s economic environment. Some investors may take advantage of these fluctuations and base their investment strategy accordingly. …

How to Determine Materiality in Audit

Auditors do not provide absolute assurance for audit assignments. It is because they cannot test every single transaction or balance. Usually, auditors work with limitations, such as time, which require them to complete their work before a specific time. However, they still need to test items that they may consider …

What are Event-Driven Hedge Funds

Investment strategies include principles that seek to achieve an investor’s financial and investment objectives. These strategies may differ from one investor to another based on various factors. These factors may include the investor’s goals, resources, time horizon, risk tolerance, etc. Similarly, some investment strategies may also depend on specific circumstances …

What are the Types of Audit Approaches

What is an Audit Approach? The term audit approach defines the strategy that auditors use when conducting an audit. It allows auditors to perform their tasks effectively and efficiently. The audit approach may differ based on several factors. These factors may include the nature of the client and its industry, …

Accounting for Mortgage-Backed Securities

What are Mortgage-Backed Securities? Mortgage-backed securities (MBS) are financial instruments that have similar characteristics as bonds. These securities use mortgages or a collection of mortgages as collateral. Like other financial instruments, MBS also gets traded in the market. Mortgage-backed securities are a type of asset-backed securities and allow investors to …

What are Liquid Alternatives

The conventional investment categories, i.e., stocks, bonds, and cash, can provide high returns. However, piling these up can be highly risky for investors. Therefore, some investors usually go beyond these investment categories to diversify their portfolios. However, they may lose some benefits that these investments provide, such as liquidity. For …

Accounting for Credit Default Swaps

What are Credit Default Swaps? A credit default swap (CDS) is a financial instrument that allows investors to exchange their credit risk with another party. It is a type of swap, which is a financial derivative. Credit default swaps require one party to acquire a CDS from another party. It …