Author: John

What Does an Investment Committee Do?

Most companies offer their employees pension plans which allow those employees to earn after retirement. These companies manage any contributions through investments. The employer invests these amounts on the employee’s behalf. These earnings then generate income, which funds future pension payments to employees. Companies may also hire an investment committee …

How do Profit-Sharing Plans work?

Pension or retirement plans are typical for employees working in companies. Through these plans, they can ensure they receive income after retirement. There are several retirement plans where they, their employer, or both contribute an amount. Some plans offer a fixed contribution upon retirement. However, some others come with uncertain …

What is the difference between Defined Benefit Plans and Defined Contribution Plans?

When it comes to retirement plans, individuals have many options. For employees, there are some employer-sponsored plans to which they can contribute. Usually, these include defined benefit and defined contribution plans. These are two different retirement plans according to their composition, returns, and management. Before understanding the differences between these, …

Variable Annuities for Retirement

For individuals in their retirement period, annuities are a decent income stream that provides regular payments. Annuity or annuity contracts are agreements where one party pays another party a steady source of income. These contracts include details about the payments made to the beneficiary. The terms will also state whether …

Is Insurance Liability or Asset?

What is Insurance? The term insurance represents a contract between two parties to protect an underlying asset. The first party is the insured party, which receives the protection. This party owns the underlying asset. Insured entities may include individuals, businesses, organizations, etc. In contrast, the second party is the insurer. …

How Does Property Insurance Work

Insurance is a term used to describe any form of protection against financial losses. In the modern day, companies, organizations, and individuals use insurance to mitigate the risks associated with their assets. Based on the type of asset they use, there are several types of insurance they can get. One …

Human Capital Vs Financial Capital

The term capital represents assets that companies use to generate income. In exchange, companies also incur some costs on it. This capital may include fixed assets, such as property or land, or liquid assets, such as cash, receivables. These are crucial for both long- and short-term operational needs. Based on …

Why Life Insurance Is Necessary

For most individuals, putting money into a life insurance policy comprises a significant financial decision. However, it also allows them to reduce the risks that the future holds for them or their families. While some individuals may consider life insurance as an unnecessary investment, there are some benefits to it. …

How Tax Loss Harvesting Works

Investors choose investments with the highest returns to generate the maximum income possible. However, they must also consider the tax implications associated with these earnings. Therefore, they must employ tax strategies that allow them to minimize the impact of tax payments. One such strategy that investors use is tax-loss harvesting. …

What Is a Tax Exempt Account?

Most individuals looking to plan for retirement funds start investing in specialized accounts. With these accounts, they can get several benefits. However, they must also consider the tax implications associated with such investments. Most of these specialized accounts allow investors to defer their tax payments. However, some may also come …