Author: John

Provision Expense: Definition, Accounting, Journal Entry, Examples, Meaning

A liability is an obligation that results in a probable outflow of economic benefits. This obligation comes from past events, for example, contracts or agreements. For most companies, these include payables, loans, etc. However, it may also consist of provision expenses relating to future costs. In accounting, these fall under …

Direct Costs: Definition, Examples, Types, Formula

In managerial accounting, classifying costs into different categories is crucial in analyzing and controlling costs. However, there are various categories within those classes. One such classification is differentiating between direct and indirect costs. While they may sound straightforward, the classification may be complex due to how managerial accounting separates them. …

Account Payable vs. Note Payable

A liability is obligation companies accumulate from past transactions and events. This obligation creates an economic outflow of benefits in the future. Practically, liabilities may come in various forms for a company. Two of the two common ones include account and note payable. Both are similar in many aspects. However, …

Rule 407 Letter: What It Is, Sample, Example

Every firm that is a FINRA member must provide its executives, employees, and other associated persons with a notice about their obligation to adhere to Rule 407 of the FINRA. This rule restricts how and when these individuals are allowed to buy or sell securities in their personal accounts. According …

Monetary Assets: Definition, Types, Examples, Importance

An asset is a financial resource that results in an inflow of economic benefits in the future. It has a value coming from its cost or other valuation models. In accounting, assets may classify as monetary or non-monetary. It is among many classifications of resources. Due to this difference, these …