Author: John

Audit Adjustment

Auditors examine a client’s records to ensure they meet specific criteria. Usually, it includes the financial statements backed by the general ledger. Sometimes, auditors disagree with some entries passed in the client’s records. In these cases, auditors may provide some adjustment entries to the client, known as audit adjustment. What …

Audit Evidence: Definition, Types, Examples, Procedure

The primary objective of audits is for the auditors to provide a report on a given subject matter. This report contains the auditor’s opinion of whether the subject matter includes material misstatements. Depending on the type of audit engagement, it may also provide other conclusions. Auditors base their opinion on …

Accounting for Leases, Operating Lease vs Financing Lease

Trust is not a profitable option when it comes to business. Landlords, creditors, and others will require a company to put its money or other assets where its mouth is by signing a lease. This legally binding document outlines the terms of the agreement, including the amount of rent, length …

Gross Income: Definition, Calculation, Examples, Meaning, Formula

Gross income is an important aspect when it comes to finances and taxes. It’s the amount that an individual earns in a year from all sources before any taxes or deductions are taken out. This includes income from wages, salaries, tips, interest, and other forms of income. Gross income is …

Auditor’s Liabilities

Auditors collect sufficient appropriate audit evidence to provide their opinion on a subject matter. Based on this opinion, users can make various decisions. Therefore, auditors must consider the trust users put in their work. If auditors fail to perform their tasks effectively, they may face legal repercussions. These fall under …

Subsidiary: Definition, Meaning in Business, Examples, Importance

When it comes to the corporate world, the term “subsidiary” gets used a lot. And there are different types of subsidiaries, each with its purpose and definition. But the most common type of subsidiary is a wholly owned subsidiary. A subsidiary is a company that is controlled by another company, …