Sales Margin: Definition, Formula, Calculation, Example, Accounting

Gross profit represents a company’s earnings from its products and services before considering operating and other expenses. It comes after subtracting a company’s cost of goods sold from its revenues. However, it does not provide insights into a company’s profitability. Therefore, some stakeholders may prefer sales margin as a better …

Vertical Analysis vs Horizontal Analysis: What are the Differences, Comparison

Vertical and horizontal analysis provide valuable insights into multiple aspects of a company’s financial performance. However, they differ in the way they help analyze financial statements. What is Vertical Analysis? Vertical analysis (or common-size analysis) is a financial evaluation method focused on dissecting and comparing individual components within financial statements …

Bilateral Agreements: Definition, Scope, Examples, Advantages, Disadvantages

What are Bilateral Agreements? Bilateral agreements are fundamental instruments in international relations and commerce, facilitating mutually beneficial arrangements between two parties. In this blog post, we’ll explore the scope, examples, advantages, and disadvantages of bilateral agreements to gain a deeper understanding of their significance in various contexts. Scope of Bilateral …

Distributable Net Income: Definition, Calculation, Formula, Example

When it comes to trusts and beneficiaries, distributable net income plays a major role. It is essentially the amount of income that can be distributed to beneficiaries without incurring additional tax liabilities. It is a base amount that is used to calculate the trust’s tax liability and determine how much …