Category: Uncategorized

Equity Vs Capital

Both equity and capital are terms used in the world of finance to describe ownership in a business. These two terms are closely related but they have key differences depending on the context for which they are being used. If you run a business or have an interest in the …

Currency Swaps: Definition, Meaning, Examples, Usage

Currency swaps were originally conceived as a way to avoid the foreign exchange transaction costs that were associated with international trade. By using an intervening currency, parties would be able to reduce these costs and improve their terms of trade by locking in a favorable rate for future transactions. Today, …

What are Structured Notes

If you are looking to manage your portfolio’s risk-return profile, why not join the growing number of investors who have been using structured notes? Structured notes can be a great addition to your investment portfolio, allowing you to gain exposure to a desired market or index at an effective cost, …

Interest Rate Floors: Definition, Example, Usage

Interest rates are often subject to fluctuations, which can be either upward or downward. When a bank sets an interest rate floor for their customers, it means that the banks will not allow the customer’s interest rates to change below a certain level. This protects the lender in case of …

Foreign Currency Risks: Definition, Types, How to Manage

Investing in foreign assets can be a good way to diversify your investment portfolio. But you must first understand the risks involved before diving in head-first. You can make more money by investing in foreign assets, but you could also lose big if the values of the foreign currencies go …

Cheapest-to-Deliver Bond

When it comes to bond futures contracts, there is a fairly obscure little secret that savvy traders know about. This secret allows those who are aware of it to cash in on the difference between what they need to pay for their bond and what they receive upon delivery. It’s …

What are Government Bonds

Governments use bonds to raise money for various reasons. These may include paying off debts, building infrastructure (such as roads, bridges, railways), or running national programs like social security and medicare. Governments also issue bonds when they want to borrow large sums of money in order to pay for wars …

What is the Sortino Ratio

If you want to invest in something, you should not only think about the rate of return. It is better to also think about the risk. The risk can be high or low. It refers to how different an asset’s or security’s financial performance will be than what is expected. …

Return Over Maximum Drawdown

In the hedge fund industry, return over maximum drawdown is the best measure of how well the fund manager has managed risks. It measures the average return of a portfolio over its worst loss, or “maximum drawdown.” This is a relatively new indicator for managers to track and compare since …