Category: Uncategorized

Purchase Price Allocation: Definition, Example, Valuation

Buying and selling companies is the most common method of financing growth for many business organizations. Generally, companies that are sold are smaller than the purchaser company, but it does not mean that large companies cannot buy other large companies because there are times when this happens. When it comes …

Forecasting: Definition, Methods, Use in Business

When it comes to running a successful business, forecasting is one of the best techniques that can help you expand your business and reduce future risks. Forecasting can help businesses allocate their budgets or plan for anticipated expenses for an upcoming period, based on the projected demand for goods and …

What is Fintech?

What is fintech? Fintech, or financial technology, has been around for a while now. It’s no secret that fintech has the potential to change the way we do business. It can provide consumers with more choices and control over their finances. But what exactly is fintech? We’ll explore this question …

Financing: Types, Purposes, Process, Strategies

The word “finance” means different things to different people both individuals and businesses/companies. It can refer to the money someone has in their bank account, or it can refer to a financial institution that offers loans and other services to customers. There are basically two types of financing you can …

Year Over Year (YoY): Meaning, Analysis, Calculation of Growth

If you want to invest successfully, it is important to understand the concept of year-over-year (YOY). Year over year (or YoY for short) is a comparison of two data points, usually taken from two different years. The purpose of YoY analysis is to measure how much a particular metric has …

Climate Risks: What Are The Implications?

Climate risks are a reality that businesses must face. There are many different types of climate risks, and they can have serious implications for companies. Climate risks can come from physical dangers, such as storms and floods, or from regulatory changes or litigation. Companies that do not take measures to …

Climate Risks: Definition, Management, Mitigation

Climate risks are an important and growing concern for businesses and organizations of all sizes. Proactive risk management is essential to mitigating the potential impacts of climate change on your operations. This guide provides an overview of what climate risks are, how they can affect your business and steps you …

Decentralized Finance: Definition, Meaning, Applications, Investment

In the world of finance, there is a traditional system where banks act as intermediaries between lenders and borrowers. This system is often called centralized finance. However, a new model of finance has been emerging in recent years- decentralized finance, or DeFi for short. DeFi is built on the blockchain …

Information Ratio: Definition, Formula, Calculation, vs. Sharpe Ratio

Information ratio is a strategy-independent performance measure that captures the excess return above a benchmark. In other words, it determines how much an investment outperforms or underperforms its benchmark over a while. The excess return is measured by finding the difference between the actual return and what would have been …