If you’re a student, it’s important to find the best credit card for your needs. A good credit card can help you build your credit history and score, which will come in handy when you’re ready to buy a car or house. There are many different credit cards available for students, so it can be hard to decide which one is right for you. In this blog post, we will compare three of the most popular student credit cards and help you decide which one is the best fit for you.
Why a student needs a credit card?
There are many good reasons why students should have a credit card. A credit card can help you build your credit history and score, which is important when you’re ready to buy a car or house. A credit card can also help you with emergency expenses, such as if your car breaks down or you need to pay for a last-minute flight home. Additionally, many credit cards offer rewards programs that can help you save money on travel and other expenses.
How to choose the best credit cards for students
The best credit card for a student depends on the individual’s needs and spending habits. Some things to consider when choosing a credit card include the following:
- Do you want a rewards program?
- How much are you willing to pay in annual fees?
- What is your credit score?
- What is your income? Let’s take a look at three popular student credit cards and compare their features.
The Discover it® Student Cash Back is a great option for students who want a rewards program. This card offers five percent cash back on rotating categories, which can include things like restaurants, gas stations, and Amazon purchases. There is no annual fee for this card, and students can get a free FICO® credit score on their monthly statement.
The Citi ThankYou® Preferred Card for College Students is another good option for students who want a rewards program. This card offers two points per dollar spent on dining out and entertainment, and one point per dollar spent elsewhere. There is no annual fee for this card, and students can get a 0% intro APR on purchases and balance transfers for seven months.
The Bank of America® Cash Rewards Credit Card for Students is a good option for students who want a simple cashback program. This card offers three percent cash back on gas and online shopping, two percent cash back at grocery stores, and one percent cash back on everything else. There is no annual fee for this card, and students can get a 0% intro APR on purchases and balance transfers for 12 months.
How to apply for a credit card
If you’re a student and you’re ready to start building your credit history, it’s easy to apply for a credit card. Just visit the website of the credit card company that you’re interested in, and click on “Apply Now.” You will need to provide some basic information about yourself, such as your name, address, and Social Security number. Once you’ve submitted your application, you should hear back from the credit card company within a few weeks.
There are many different credit cards available for students, so it’s important to choose the best one for your needs. In this blog post, we’ve compared three of the most popular student credit cards and helped you decide which one is the best fit for you. Remember to consider things like rewards programs, annual fees, and your credit score when choosing a credit card. Applying for a credit card is easy, and it’s a great way to start building your credit history.
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