Author: Harbourfront Technologies

Measuring Jump Risks in Short-Dated Option Volatility

Unlike long-dated options, short-dated options incorporate not only diffusive volatility but also jump risks. The commonly used VIX and SKEW indices cannot clearly identify the jump risk component in options volatility. To better isolate and present the jump risk component, Reference developed a stochastic jump volatility model that includes …

Formal Study of Overfitting in Trading System Design

Trading systems often experience performance deterioration after going live, largely due to overfitting. Reference formally studied this issue, using analytical approximations for the in-sample and out-of-sample Sharpe ratios of portfolios. The authors pointed out, This paper derives analytical approximations for the in-sample and out-of-sample Sharpe ratios of portfolios constructed …

Momentum in the Option Market, Part 4-Intraday Case

Momentum in the options market is an emerging and active area of research. For example, Reference demonstrated that delta-hedged straddle positions exhibit momentum, where firms with strong option performance over the past 6 to 36 months are likely to experience high option returns in the subsequent month. Reference  …

Risks of Short-dated Options Order Flow

Options, particularly short-dated ones, are gaining popularity among retail traders, with their trading volume increasing significantly. While some research argues that short-dated options do not impact the market, certain market practitioners hold opposing views. Reference investigated the risks associated with short-dated options order flow. It examined the effective trading …

VIX Manipulation: Evidence from SPX Options and Market Data

Market manipulation refers to intentional actions taken to distort the normal functioning of financial markets, often to benefit specific individuals or entities at the expense of others. These actions can include spreading false information, rigging prices, or creating artificial demand or supply. A notable example is the LIBOR manipulation scandal, …