Author: John

Control Account: Definition, Importance, Accounting, Meaning and Example

Companies may use detailed records to ensure traceability and accuracy. Before transferring these records to the accounting system, they must consolidate them. Therefore, companies may use a control account. What is a Control Account? A control account serves to consolidate and simplify financial record-keeping. Instead of inundating the general ledger …

Ledger Account: Definition, Example, Template, Importance, vs. General Ledger

Companies maintain a general ledger recording of all accounts within the accounting system. These accounts are known as ledger accounts. What is a Ledger Account? A ledger account is a pivotal element in double-entry accounting, constituting a comprehensive record of financial transactions. Organized into categories such as assets, liabilities, equity, …

Distributable Net Income: Definition, Calculation, Formula, Example

When it comes to trusts and beneficiaries, distributable net income plays a major role. It is essentially the amount of income that can be distributed to beneficiaries without incurring additional tax liabilities. It is a base amount that is used to calculate the trust’s tax liability and determine how much …

Perfect Competition: Definition, Market, Meaning, Example, Graph

Perfect competition is used to describe a market structure in which businesses only make just enough profit to keep running. It is considered the most ideal market structure because it leads to the efficient allocation of resources and benefits both consumers and producers. Perfect competition often gets overlooked because no …

Enterprise Fund: Definition, Accounting, Importance, Example

There are several types of funds in governmental accounting, each serving specific purposes and accounting for different activities. These funds fall into three broad categories, including governmental, fiduciary, and proprietary funds. Furthermore, each category can have its classifications. One of the classifications within proprietary funds is enterprise funds. What is …

LTV/CAC Ratio: Definition, Calculation, Example, Formula, Benchmark

When it comes to customer acquisition, there are many factors that businesses need to consider, including the cost of acquiring a new customer and the lifetime value of that customer. The LTV/CAC ratio is a metric used to measure the effectiveness and efficiency of a company’s customer acquisition strategy. By …

Bad Debt Expense: Definition, Journal Entry, Formula, Accounting, Meaning

Companies often encounter challenges related to the timely collection of receivables. Usually, uncertainties arise when customers, for various reasons, fail to fulfill their payment obligations. In addressing these uncertainties, companies must recognize a bad debt expense. What is Bad Debt Expense? Bad debt expense refers to the anticipated financial loss …