Effective Annual Rate: Definition, Formula, Calculation, Example, vs APR

Understanding how the annual interest affects an investment can help investors plan more effectively and make more informed decisions. The effective annual interest rate is the yearly rate of an investment that takes into account the compounding frequency and other factors such as fees or charges that may be associated …

Walter’s Model on Dividend Policy: Explanation, Formula, Assumptions

When companies generate profits, they may decide to keep the amount for future projects or distribute it among shareholders. The latter, known as dividends, come based on the dividend policy that a company follows. However, every company has a dividend policy that dictates the treatment of the profits generated during …

Debit Memo: Definition, Meaning, Example, Use in Banking, Template

Clerical errors may exist in every organization. These errors can be critical if not rectified on time. However, companies have various tools to allow them to identify and correct errors. One of these includes the debit memo. A debit memo is the opposite of a credit memo. However, it is …

Pro Rata: Definition, Meaning, Examples, Usage, Formula

Pro Rata is the Latin word for “in proportion”. It is used to describe a method of allocating or distributing items in proportion to the relative size of each item. In accounting and finance, Pro Rata calculations are used to calculate the portion of an expense that each party should …

Subordinated Debt: Definition, Examples, Types, Meaning, vs. Senior Debt

Each debt comes with a seniority ranking that dictates the priority of its repayment when the borrower defaults. This priority occurs on the borrower’s side. However, the lender also gets impacted by it. Usually, seniority rankings are crucial when a company accumulates debt finance from several sources. If the company …

Derivative Financial Instruments and Hedging Activities

Derivative financial instruments are contracts that derive their value from an underlying asset. This can be anything from stocks and bonds to commodities and currencies. There are a variety of different types of derivatives, each with its own unique features and benefits. In this blog post, we will discuss the …