Treasury Stock and Cash Flow Statement

If a company has a cash surplus, it can invest the money in various projects or activities. In most cases, the goal is to increase the returns shareholders get from these projects. Sometimes, though, companies may also invest that money in their own shares. Treasury stock is a common concept …

Distribution Costs: Definition, Examples, Accounting, Journal Entry, Importance

Most companies focus on the cost of their products or services. Usually, these include direct and indirect production costs, including material, labor, and overheads. These determine a product’s profitability after deducting those costs from the sale price. However, they do not show how profitable the company is because other expenses …

Historical Cost Principle: Definition, Example, Accounting, Importance

When recording an asset in the financial statements, companies must have a value for it. However, it may not be as straightforward as there are several techniques to derive this cost. Most accounting principles rely on historical costs when recognizing various elements. However, some may also allow other methods, such …