Author: Harbourfront Technologies

Using Multivariate Functional False Discovery Rate for Testing System Robustness

Data snooping bias is a prevalent challenge in finance, stemming from the extensive exploration of historical financial data to uncover trading strategies and patterns. It occurs when researchers or traders test numerous hypotheses and strategies on historical data until they discover one that appears profitable purely by chance. This process, …

How the Airlines Hedge Fuel Costs

The recent rising cost of airline tickets can be attributed in part to the escalating fuel prices, which significantly affect operating expenses for airlines. To counter the adverse impact of fuel price volatility, airlines often adopt a strategic approach known as fuel hedging. This practice involves entering into financial contracts …

Using the VIX for Position Sizing

Position sizing is a critical aspect of trading that directly influences the risk and potential reward of each trade. It involves determining the appropriate amount of capital to allocate to a specific trade based on factors such as account size, risk tolerance, and market conditions. Effective position sizing aims to …

Evaluating Trading Strategies Using Economic Criteria

In the realm of trading strategy development, assessing strategy effectiveness can be approached through two distinct avenues. One approach involves evaluating the efficacy of a predictive method by employing statistical measures to gauge its accuracy and predictive power. Alternatively, effectiveness can be gauged by directly evaluating the strategy’s profit and …

What Caused the Increase in Correlation?

Correlation in the stock market refers to the statistical relationship between the price movements of different stocks or assets. It measures the degree to which these price changes tend to occur together or in opposite directions over a specific period. Positive correlation implies that stocks move in the same direction, …

Filtering Stocks Based on Volatilities

Stock volatility refers to the degree of variation in a stock’s price over time. It is a measure of the magnitude of price fluctuations, reflecting the market’s uncertainty and the potential for rapid changes in an asset’s value. High stock volatility signifies greater price swings, indicating a higher level of …

Use of the Real-World Measure in Portfolio Management

In the realm of finance, the risk-neutral measure takes precedence in pricing financial derivatives. However, the real-world measure remains significantly valuable and indispensable across various domains. It plays a pivotal role in risk management and asset/liability applications, facilitating comprehensive evaluation and mitigation of risks. Real-world measures are useful for simulation-based …

Factor Investing With Timing

Factor investing, also known as smart beta or systematic factor investing, is an investment strategy that involves selecting and weighting securities based on specific characteristics or factors believed to drive their performance. These factors can include value, momentum, size, quality, and low volatility, among others. The idea behind factor investing …