Sales Revenue: Definition, Formula, Calculation, Journal Entry, Examples

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Understanding profitability and sales revenue are not only important for business owners and managers but investors as well. After all, a company that does not generate revenue cannot be profitable. Most investors look closely at a company’s revenue before making any decisions about investing in that company.

So it’s important to understand exactly what sales revenue is and how it’s calculated to make sure you’re making sound investment decisions.

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Sales revenue definition

A company’s sales revenue is the money it makes from selling items or providing services. In accounting, the words “sales” and “revenue” may be used interchangeably to indicate the same thing.

It’s crucial to understand that revenue does not always indicate money received. A portion of sales revenue may be paid in cash and a portion on credit, such as through accounts receivables. This means that revenue may not always be immediately available to the company.

A company’s sales revenue is reported on its income statement and usually appears as the first line item. This is because it represents the top line or gross income for a business before any expenses are deducted.

How to calculate sales revenue

Calculating sales revenue is straightforward. The formula for sales revenue is

Sales Revenue = Number of Units Sold x Price per Unit

Number of Units Sold: This is the number of products or services sold during a period.

Price per Unit: This is the average selling price of each product or service.

Examples of sales revenue

Now that we’ve gone over the sales revenue definition and formula, let’s look at a few examples of sales revenue calculation.

Example 1

XYZ Company sells 100 widgets at $5 each.

XYZ Company’s sales revenue would be $500, calculated as follows

Sales Revenue = Number of Units Sold x Price per Unit

Sales Revenue = 100 Units Sold x $5 Price per Unit

Sales Revenue = $500

Example 2

ABC Company provides consulting services at $200 per hour. During January, the company logged a total of 80 billable hours.

ABC Company’s sales revenue would be $16,000, calculated as follows

Sales Revenue = Number of Units Sold x Price per Unit

Sales Revenue = 80 Units Sold x $200 Price per Unit

Sales Revenue = $16,000

As you can see from the examples above, calculating sales revenue is a simple matter of multiplying the number of units sold by the price per unit.

However, it’s important to keep in mind that sales revenue represents the top line or gross income for a business. This means that it doesn’t take into account any expenses incurred by the business, such as the cost of goods sold (COGS) or operating expenses.

To get a better picture of a company’s financial health, you’ll need to look at other items on its income statement, such as net income or profit.


Sales revenue is an important metric to watch for any business, whether you’re an investor, business owner, or manager. It’s a good indicator of a company’s overall health and can give you a better idea of how it’s performing compared to past periods.

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